Explain Nillion like i am 5

Eager to learn about nillion. Go.


So, Project Nillion is like your personal superhero for online identity. It’s all about giving you the power to manage your digital identity securely, kind of like having your own fortress where you control who gets in and who doesn’t. It’s all about putting you back in the driver’s seat of your online presence.

Keen to be apart of this and take the leap!


I am also looking forward to watching this project grow, anyone involved in the growth of this one really will have to take the leap.

Imagine you have a super-secret drawing, but you want your friends to help color it without letting them see the whole picture. You cut the drawing into many tiny pieces and give each piece to a different friend. They color their tiny piece, but they can’t see the entire drawing, so they don’t know what the final picture looks like. When they give back their colored pieces, you put the drawing back together, and it’s a beautifully colored secret picture!

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gĂĽzel bir tip :slight_smile: ismi ne merak ettim

I love this illustration. It means with billion, you can control your identity and give someone only what you want them to see. Making your identity secured as people won’t get to see the part you don’t wish them to see