How did you find Nillion?

Ansem on CT and through Bankless

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Secret crypto group chats

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On X, finally saw some accounts tweeting about it, wish I found sooner

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just an Ansem tweet to be honest

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I came across a discussion on Twitter about Nillon.
Think it was Ansem

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ansem ansem and ansem CT

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From Twitter… that’s how I came to know about Nillion

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Ansem post, something different!


Ansem posted about it on twitter. That guy rarely misses unless its real life boxing lol. So im checking it out now.


I think i must admit through an X post

The grand “ansem”
One of the spaces biggest Solana bull’s suggested he holds such high regards to Nillion second to Solana, i couldn’t help myself but to dive in!!

Found billion on Twitter gassed about what it had to offer

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Heard about it on my Discord and i´m super interested in the Project and it´s Vision :crossed_swords:

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Was just going through X post and read a post about it and went down the rabbit hole. Love the idea behind what Nillion is trying to accomplish with the project.

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I found out about nillion from web3 group

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Found it through Twitter! Happy to be here.

Can anyone possibly give me a crash course on how to contribute here? Would love to shed my former “Farmer” status in crypto.



I found it on X. Someone I follow posted about it and I got intrigued


Ansem on telegram
Looking forward to diving in.

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Solana manlet leader


Learn about Nillion, while I was reading about Quantum cryptography and privacy chain

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Ansem, on a twitter post I read today

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