Trying to store a blob file on nillion

I am trying to store a file on nillion but getting the following error

py_nillion_client.DealerError: storing secrets: dealer initialization failed: (code: -32003, message: replacement transaction underpriced, data: None)

Any help is appreciated.

The nillion-devnet will attempt to start an anvil server process in the background. If you haven’t yet, please install foundry so that anvil is for sure available on the system. What kind of computer are you running on? We might have more devs hanging out on discord if you’d like to continue there. Also, for defect reporting, certainly post issues to github

I am using ubuntu 22.04 LTS. i have foundry install and i increased node size also but then also getting the error.
Ok i will ask on discord.

here is nillion-devnet logs

🏃starting node 12D3KooWMvw1hEqm7EWSDEyqTb6pNetUVkepahKY6hixuAuMZfJS
⏳waiting until bootnode is up...
🏃starting node 12D3KooWAiwGZUwSUaT2bYVxGS8jmfMrfsanZYkHwH3uL7WJPsFq
🏃starting node 12D3KooWM3hsAswc7ZT6VpwQ1TCZU4GCYY55nLhcsxCcfjuixW57
🏃starting node 12D3KooWKF1TnfbVethVKLExkmAonsCuYyqygt8Wig57moT39ykJ
🏃starting node 12D3KooWP1Xba4x3w2QDbixYZwrV7PMfie6dNvVWUtFgmxFpwhUK
🏃starting node 12D3KooWAX1qc8UPEQ5MbDrudLQcaXwwgpAWfZTQDx8gaJynWUTX
🏃starting node 12D3KooWLhX5udhFBXcVR7adPV9sdzBLbXnzDUM1jymyQw71kRbv
🏃starting node 12D3KooWCtreJN5rTMu2BRv9nCsXNQiYffBt7tcM585h8wHibJPG
🏃starting node 12D3KooWAW2WnZVYHgv5zkGeFCzfn5ZZxxygnkJ2QmvkBy4QQQFA
🏃starting node 12D3KooWCP9YW3JUvzpzXohwiqyJVRp8XNGYbsYAQTiPnDn7M7h2
🎁wallet keys written to /tmp/.tmp24ZBBT/private-keys.txt
📝payments configuration written to /tmp/.tmp24ZBBT/payments-config.yaml
🥾bootnode config written to /tmp/.tmp24ZBBT/bootnode.yaml
📝configuration written to /home/amardeep/.config/nillion/config.yaml
✔️cluster is running, bootnode is at /ip4/
🔗websocket: /ip4/