How to Contribute!

Want to contribute?

First, thanks for joining the Nillion community, we welcome everyone’s support and help. There are a handful of ways in which you can contribute.


The most important way to contribute is communicating with others in the community!

We use two different platforms for community discussions: Discord and Telegram.

As Discord users tend to be on desktop and Telegram tends to be mobile, there is a difference in the form and topics of discussion on either. Try them both out and see which one is the best fit for you!

The first thing new members will see is the conversations you are having. So if you’re having quality, interesting, fun conversations, we will attract more interesting and fun people. It’s just that simple.

Because Nillion is a revolutionary approach to high value data, the brand attracts lots of researchers and serious industry parties so we care deeply about the quality and type of conversations happening.

We love to see welcoming, humorous conversations about cryptography, technology, the wider industry, current events, ideologies, memes and everything else. We want to see everyone contributing and pushing the boundaries of what is possible within crypto communities.

This is subsequently also the fastest way to get roles.


Whether here on the forums or on the Discord, we award certain roles based on types of participation, achievements, and excellence to each other in the community.

Most notably are volunteers who assist in moderation, education, and translation. If you would like one of these roles, reach out via the Discord support ticket and apply as a volunteer!

A full rundown of available roles will be added here at a later date as they are made available.


Participation can take many forms — from attending events, developing code, writing about Nillion, or engaging in social media.


Whether online or on location, these events are a great way to connect with both the team and the rest of the community, to get to know each other, and to have a chance to share your voice.

You can see the latest planned events on Discord by clicking Events in the channel list.


Content / Writing

For creators and writers, we can:

  • Write articles about Nillion technologies
  • Write testimonials about how you believe Nillion can make a difference

Engagement / Social Media

For those of us active on social media with our pulse on the news, we can:

  • Engage in short and long form discussions, answering questions, and proposing Nillion in relevant discussions
  • Find relevant news and bringing it back to the community

Development / Building

For the coders amongst us, we can:

  • Write code that implements NMC and other Nillion technologies at any level between proof-of-concepts all the way to fully functional solutions
  • Debug and help submit issues on the repo
  • Discussion developmental and design decisions with team and community
  • Build products that eventually become Nucleus program members


For the researchers amongst us, we can:

  • Discuss design decisions with the team and community
  • Work together to test theories and find issues
  • Find relevant research and breakthroughs and bring it back to the community for discussion


We all love to learn, but there’s always something that’s going to be out of someones comfort zone or over ones own head and that’s perfectly fine! We all come from different backgrounds, experiences, and areas of interest and study after all.

That’s why it’s so important to interact with others in the community with empathy, to formulate questions that make it easy to answer, and answers that are easy to understand for everyone.

To facilitate this and to help everyone in the Nillion community have a path to the same knowledge, we plan several learner tracks for various aspects of the community:

  • Conceptual education (coming soon)
  • Developer education (coming later)
    • Professional certification (coming later)
  • Researcher education (coming later)
  • Tokenomics education (coming later)
  • Cryptographic (MPC / NMC) education (coming later)

It can be fun and easy to take a course or participate in quizzes to learn, but often times we just have direct questions we want answered, or concepts we want explained differently. In those cases, we can ask long form async research questions on these forums in [Research], or short form synchronous discussions on the [Discord] in the appropriate channels.

Don’t hesitate to ask anything!

Share & Amplify

How did you hear about Nillion? It was probably from someone talking about! And that’s why it’s important we all talk about it, like, share, upvote, etc. It shouldn’t be a dry droning experience either – make it personable! Talk about how it’s relevant to you, add your own thoughts and ideas, and feel free to use community resources to interact with others!

You may find a conversation that is begging for a solution like Nillion to be interjected, or a place that you see would benefit from becoming aware of it. You may find discussions about Nillion in the wild that aren’t exactly accurate and you may be compelled to educate others. No matter how you share and amplify, it can mean the simple difference between people knowing about Nillion and not knowing about Nillion.

Just make sure after you’ve contributed in this way that you share it with the community too so that we can all jump in and support it together! :slightly_smiling_face:

Reach Out

All healthy communities depend on feedback. If there’s something you’d like to change or do better, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team via the support ticket on Discord and let us know!

We are always learning, and interested in what the community is learning too!